SITTI (Italy) is proud to announce that after competitive bidding, Airport Authority of India (AAI) awarded our company a major Supply Installation Testing & Commissioning (SITC) contract for a large number of Voice Communication (VCS) and Voice Recording Systems (VRS) to serve 45 airports across the country, Civil Aviation Training College (CATC) and Specialized Maintenance Unit (SMU). The contract is subdivided into several consignments whose delivery spans from this year to end of 2020. The following will be provided under this contract
- 48 VCS – Voice Communication Systems (Main)
- 16 VCS – Voice Communication Systems (Fallback)
- 77 RRS – Remote Radio Stations
- 726 CWP – Controller Working Positions (Main)
- 128 CWP – Controller Working Positions (Fallback)
- 48 VRS – Voice Recording Systems
The Voice Communication Systems being supplied to AAI belong to the top performing MULTIFONO® M800IP® family, which is fully compliant to the international ED 137 VoIP standard adopted by ICAO & EUROCONTROL for VoIP applications in the Air Traffic Control field. Furthermore, these systems are natively equipped with plug-in interfaces that allow connection to analogue and digital links of any different kind.
The VCS systems to be deployed at 45 airports across the country (ranging from small airports to very large ACC centers), Civil Aviation Training College (CATC) and Specialized Maintenance Unit (SMU) will be in charge of managing local and remote radio stations, where appropriate gateway devices will grant the possibility of taking full advantage of the standard ED 137 performances.
The provision of such a large number of systems and ancillary equipment to the Airport Authority of India comes after other very successful projects in the same area, where SITTI products could be evaluated as the best choice for the fulfilment of the challenging requirements set by the management of big air traffic movements. Thanks to the supplied systems and the extraordinary positive reputation gained in over 10 years of presence in India through other large projects, SITTI is proud of supporting AAI in the development of the Indian region.
The long-term presence in the market of mission-critical systems for very demanding customers allows SITTI to present its solutions to all organisations where secure, reliable and controlled communications are required through integrated communication solutions, with high efficiency and effectiveness for flight safety.