Nashik is a city in central Western part of India, where the local company HagurTech will be installing a VCS (Voice Communication System) and a VRS (Voice Recording System) by SITTI at the local airport. This latter is run by HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited).

The VCS being supplied belongs to the MULTIFONO® M800IP® family of SITTI VCSs that proved its outstanding reliability in hundreds of installations worldwide. It is natively IP based, implementing the latest available standards in the ATC/ATM (Air Traffic Control/Management) field, including ED137 on VoIP.

The VRS system will be capable of recording 48 VoIP channels with a storage capacity of 300 days, based on a dual architecture with two recorders in parallel.

By means of their CWPs (Controller Working Positions), 11 controllers (ATCOs) will be managing the air traffic in their assigned area, with full control and seamless accessibility to radio, telephone and intercom facilities of different technologies. BSS (Best Signal Selection) modules provide the selection of the best incoming audio from pilots, thus increasing the overall situational awareness of the controllers.

SITTI is a primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide, capable of giving prompt and top edge solution answers to Customer needs, both in the Civilian and Military fields. The leading edge, redundant, non-blocking architecture of the SYNCRONIS® MULTIFONO® M800IP® provides flexibility and modularity for easy expansion and addition of further functionalities.


AIRSPACE WORLD is the world’s largest international exhibition dedicated to Air Traffic Control and Air Traffic Management (ATC/ATM); it will take place in Geneva (Switzerland) from March 19 to 21. This unique venue is attracting industry market leaders and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) from all around the globe. Product developers, experts and end users will be gathering for three days to share the latest products and achievements.

AIRSPACE WORLD ( is at its second edition, organized by CANSO (Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation), the organisation representing ANSPs from all over the world. SITTI has always been present at all these important events, being at the forefront in the development of technologically advanced solutions.

The participation in this event is the natural prosecution of the continued presence of SITTI at the major exhibitions on ATC/ATM since decades. This exhibition is in fact the right place where Air Traffic Control stakeholders meet and make things happen. SITTI has therefore the opportunity of showing its latest products and innovative approaches with highly integrated solutions. It is also the right occasion to meet the interest of many customers, both those that are new to us and those who have been knowing us since long.

Following its vocation and commitment to present its Innovative Products to the international audience, SITTI will be participating be presenting new ideas and product concepts, with special attention to integration of different technologies, with high capability and expertise in the management of data and voice.

Voice Communication Systems (VCS), ED137 recorders (VRS), VoIP gateways, integrated information solutions, consoles, tower solutions are the main products developed by SITTI to provide customers with a comprehensive solution to their needs.

Come and visit us at booth J45.


The presence of SITTI in India dates back many years ago. During the past decades, SITTI has been supplying Voice Communication Systems (VCS) (and ancillary equipment) used by hundreds of controllers in the main ACC centres and international airports of India. These systems have been recently complemented by a nationwide coverage of new VoIP (Voice over IP) VCS systems that have been installed throughout the entire Nation.

SITTI is a world leader in Air Traffic Control (ATC), focusing on Voice Communication Systems (VCS), recorders, consoles and auxiliary devices used at ACCs and towers of any size, from small airfields to very large international sites. Our presence in India covers the whole subcontinent, and it is expected that our contribution to the local economy will still increase in the near future.

In order to consolidate and expand its strong relationship with the Airport Authority of India (AAI), and to provide immediate answer to any request that may come from the local market, SITTI decided to establish a new subsidiary company in India under the name of “SITTI COMMUNICATIONS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED” (also simply called “SITTI INDIA“), with its headquarters in New Delhi.

This investment testifies the growing importance for SITTI of India in the region. The constantly evolving systems, that are more and more integrating new features to give air traffic controller complete situational awareness, see SITTI in the forefront of the innovation projects worldwide. The presence of a local subsidiary will give Indian ATC authorities the opportunity of lively experimenting the new functions through the direct contact with local qualified staff.


Last week the most important event concerning the ATM and ATC world took place in Geneva: AIRSPACE WORLD. This was the debut edition, the very first time such an event takes place in Switzerland under the organisation of CANSO. Before Airspace World, a similar initiative has been held in Madrid for nine editions, with the name World ATM Congress.

Airspace World ( is the world’s largest international Air Traffic Control and Air Traffic Management (ATC/ATM) exhibition, attracting industry market leaders and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) from all around the globe. Product developers, experts and end users gather for three days to share information on the latest products and achievements.

This is the right place where the various stakeholders meet and make things happen. It is a very important event, where SITTI has the opportunity to show its latest developments in these fields and to meet the interest of many customers, both those that are new to us and those who have been knowing us since long.

The participation at this event is the natural prosecution of the continued presence of SITTI at the major exhibitions on ATC/ATM since decades. Following its vocation and commitment to show its Innovative Products to the international audience, SITTI once more demonstrated its capability of always being at the forefront of innovation, technology, capability and expertise for an integrated management of data and voice.

Voice Communication Systems (VCS), ED137 recorders (VRS), VoIP gateways, integrated information solutions, consoles, tower solutions are the main products developed by SITTI to provide customers with a comprehensive solution to their needs.


SITTI  provided installation, configuration, setting to work, integration, commissioning and onsite training for a MULTIFONO® M800IP® Voice Communication System (VCS) including a number of Controller Working Positions (CWP) with Radio, Telephone and Intercom facilities in Azerbaijan.

This system was  destined for  Zangilan International Airport, thus improving the capability of the local air traffic control authorities to manage the aircrafts flows over the country. The M800IP® VCS provided by SITTI is intended to interface both analogue telephones and VHF/UHF radios, by also allowing controllers to share information and access remote radios according to their needs.

In addition, a Voice Recording System (VRS) will provide legal recording functions for a significant number of VoIP (Voice over IP) streams and analogue channels.

The SITTI’s VCS being supplied to Azerbaijan has been designed to be natively compliant to the EUROCAE ED137 standard requirements. This latter is an internationally consolidated standard that defines the way VoIP shall be used in the ATM/ATC fields. SITTI is proud of having been a true pioneer in the development and deployment of such VoIP systems worldwide.

SITTI is a primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide, capable of giving prompt and top edge solution answers to Customer needs, both in the Civilian and Military fields. The leading edge, redundant, non-blocking architecture of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® provides flexibility and modularity for easy expansion and addition of further functionalities.


Myanmar (former Burma) is a strategic country for aircrafts flying between Europe and the Far East and Australia. The modernization of the local infrastructures already saw SITTI in the forefront with the supply of a MULTIFONO® M800IP® Voice Communication System (VCS) to the Air Control Centre (ACC) in Yangon, the capital city (as witnessed here:

About a year later, another VCS has been delivered to the same premises (please read here:, this time for simulation purposes at ACC level. Simulation systems are of fundamental importance to allow controllers to get acquainted with the system they will be using in their daily work. Through them, it is also possible to simulate abnormal conditions that may jeopardize the ordinary Air Traffic Management, thus increasing the situational awareness of the operators.

Through the SAMART Group, a Thai company very active in the region and that already proposed our products for their high reliability, SITTI has been asked to provide a further step in the local air traffic control environment, by supplying another simulation system, this time to the Civil Aviation Training Institute (CATI) under the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) for training both controllers and aviation students.

The VCS that will be installed for simulation purposes belongs to the same MULTIFONO® family and therefore it inherits the same levels of capability and reliability. More specifically, it is a M801IP system equipped with 6 controller working positions (CWP) and a communications dispatching server, also used for configuration purposes.

The combined presence of systems all developed by SITTI, primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide, ensures the customer that all his needs are properly addressed through top edge solutions, both in the Civil and Military fields. The leading edge, redundant, non-blocking architecture of the MULTIFONO® Voice Communication Systems provide flexibility and modularity for easy expansion and addition of further functionalities.


The evolving customers’ needs and the progress in the development of new features require companies to be ready to provide new solutions capable of answering such needs, especially for civil and military applications, where reliable and secure communications are vital.

Mission- and safety-critical applications (e.g. Airport Towers, Area Control Centres, Military Commands, Operations Rooms) are the target of SITTI offer of products and services, that are now under the umbrella of a comprehensive new market brand that encompasses natively integrated solutions: SYNCRONIS®

This includes all systems and solutions that SITTI can offer to its customers, who can rely on SITTI long-term experience and expertise: VCSs, VoIP Gateways, Recorders, Radios, Networks, Consoles, Clocks, Integrated Information Systems, Design&Project Management, Advanced Logistics, Training.

The resulting turnkey solution covering all aspects of a modern communication network is visually described in the new company video that is being officially released today.

Please enjoy its view from our website or from YouTube at the following link:


SITTI is a reference point in the global market when it comes to integrated systems and solutions for civil and military mission- and safety-critical applications, like Airport Towers, Area Control Centres, Military Commands, Operations Rooms for Fire Brigades, Police, Emergencies and Public Utilities, Vessel Traffic Service, wherever reliable, secure and controlled communication is required.

To even more underline the high integration capability native to SITTI products, SITTI is today officially launching its new brand:

This new brand is encompassing all systems and solutions that SITTI can offer to its customers who can rely on SITTI long-term experience and expertise to cover their challenging and evolving needs, by possibly upgrading and expanding their installations through a large portfolio of products belonging to the same compatible family.

SYNCRONIS® includes Voice Communication Systems, Integrated Information Systems, VoIP Gateways, Recorders, Radios, Networks, Consoles, Clocks, Design&Project Management, Advanced Logistics, Training. This translates in a turnkey solution that covers all aspects of a modern communication network.

SYNCRONIS® is a brand that, from its name already, recalls the unique synchronisation and integration features” – Roberto Weger, Communications and Innovation Manager, says – “that are driving the increasing research and development activities carried out by SITTI.

The message we want to transfer to our customers” – Claudio Tognoni, Area Manager, says – “is that SITTI is a one-stop integrated solution provider, capable of giving exhaustive answers to all their needs in the field of radio and telephone communications.


SITTI is a primary manufacturer of Voice Communication Integrated Solutions, delivering its products worldwide. In order to further better tackle the challenges in the air traffic control market, in their meeting of April 29th, the shareholders decided a re-arrangement of the roles and responsibilities in the leadership and management of SITTI:

  • Patrizia Crovato (see picture) is the new President of SITTI
  • Mario Scovenna takes on the position of General Manager
  • Andrea Sasselli assumes the role of Technical Director
  • Giorgio Donnini is in charge of the Business Development

We wish all of them a fruitful work for the present and future development of the company.


In 2019, after strong competition, AAI (Airport Authority of India) awarded SITTI a major contract for the delivery of a large number of Voice Communication (VCS) and Voice Recording Systems (VRS) to serve the whole Nation.

Following a detailed installation plan, the delivered systems have been put gradually into service, according to the identified AAI needs and requirements. SITTI is glad to be in the position of announcing that another set of systems successfully completed their SAT (Site Acceptance Test) and are ready for entering into real operation at the following cities:

  • Bhavnagar
  • Bhopal
  • Dimapur
  • Hubli
  • Trichy
  • Vadodara
  • Raipur
  • HAL Bangalore

These Voice Communication Systems belong to the top performing MULTIFONO® M800IP® family, fully compliant to the international ED 137 VoIP standard for VoIP applications in the Air Traffic Control field. They are in charge of managing local and remote radio stations, where appropriate gateway devices grant the possibility of taking full advantage of the standard ED 137 performances.

The provision of such a large number of systems and ancillary equipment to the Airport Authority of India comes after other successful projects in the same area, where SITTI products have been found as the best choice for the fulfilment of the challenging requirements set by the management of big air traffic movements. Thanks to the supplied systems and the extraordinary positive reputation gained in many years of presence in India through other large projects, SITTI is proud of supporting AAI to further contribute to the development of the Indian region.

The long-term presence in the market of mission-critical systems for very demanding customers allows SITTI to present its solutions to all organisations where secure, reliable and controlled communications are required through integrated communication solutions, with high efficiency and effectiveness for flight safety.