KR Consoles

The long-standing involvement of SITTI in the Air Traffic Control and Control Room management field suggested the design of the KR console series, by putting together the vast experience accumulated in many years of successful presence on the market. The current technological trend is going towards a larger and larger integration of different information sources into multifunctional terminals.

Interactive maps, tracking radars, flight plans, electronic strips, surveillance cameras, and many other data, voice, video sources and streams are being integrated to reduce the amount of devices on the operators’ desks, with the intent of reducing the effort needed for getting information and increase their situational awareness. Concentration and integration are the keywords in this paradigm.


To give operators a better view over the area under their responsibility and to allow them to work both sitting at their desk and standing while watching what’s going on or just stretching their legs, KR consoles are equipped with three electrical actuators that allow the working area to be adjusted in height, according to the operator needs.

For further information, download the product description by clicking on the DOWNLOAD PDF button on your right hand side.