Remote Towers are getting more and more popular in the ATC world, allowing the remote execution of all tasks usually performed by air traffic controllers operating from a tower located at the airport site. Today’s technology is in fact capable of making all required information available at a different site, where controllers access the same features that would be accessible in a conventional airport tower.

This makes a big difference because controllers are not asked to be physically on site, but they can work remotely in a so-called Remote Tower Control Centre (RTCC) from which a number of airports can be managed simultaneously from one location. Of course, this implies the capability of the involved systems to remote all their interfaces, to give operators the feeling of being physically sitting in the airport tower, even if they are hundreds of kilometres afar. Video streams caught by cameras of different kinds are displayed to provide an out-of-window view of the airport. Radio and telephone voice communication means is also made available remotely.

ENAV, the Italian ANSP, is in the process of building up a RTCC in Brindisi to gradually move the management of small to medium airports to this centralized facility. For the accomplishment of this task, SITTI has been asked to cooperate with the provision of a new MULTIFONO® M800IP® system to be used as the main VCS. These systems will be integrated with a data and voice recording and replay system (named VRS800S), also capable of recording ambient audio.

The new M800IP® Voice Communication System (VCS) will be equipped with a total of 48 new controller working positions (CWP), capable of seamlessly access analogue, digital and VoIP (Voice over IP) radio and telephone links through high level, top performing, touch screen panels. The emergency VCS will be complemented by another 15 CWPs and additional telephone and radio channels. All what above is accompanied by the VRS800S Voice Recording System, capable of simultaneously record more than 100 VoIP channels and 120 E1 channels, plus ambient audio.

ENAV and SITTI are together building up a modern remote control centre that will allow the Italian ANSP reducing operative costs, without renouncing to its high level standards of high reliability and safety to the benefit of all airlines and passengers.


The Italian Air Force (AM – Aeronautica Militare) has recently awarded SITTI the implementation of a geographical network connecting its main sites by use of the VoIP (Voice over IP) technology. The same network will be also used as the backbone for the Remote Instant Messaging service between operators located at different sites.

SITTI boasts a very solid and long-lasting strict relationship with AM that brought along the past decades at the installation of several VCS (Voice Communication Systems) in the airbases all over Italy. These systems are now going to be upgraded to be part of a large nation-wide standard network.

Dedicated so-called SCC/AM (Servizi Coordinamento e Controllo) centres are operating 24/7 to allow efficient and effective coordination between civil and military flights and to provide the air traffic control service in the military dedicated airspace. All these centres will now be connected to a nation-wide network, allowing direct connection on one side to the military control centres and on the other side to all military airfield towers.

The contract between the Air Force and SITTI envisages the installation or upgrade of MULTIFONO® M800IP® systems developed by SITTI, to allow VoIP communications in full adherence and compliance to the world renowned standard ED137. The new network architecture is not only allowing more efficient links between operators, but also dramatically reduces the amount of network resources needed: dedicated links are no longer needed as the bandwidth is only occupied while conversations are in place, thus giving the overall network a much greater throughput.

All what above is accomplished by server-based VCS systems of the M800IP® family, connected to the network via duplicated independent interfaces for reliability purposes and security reasons, thus fully isolating the local VCSs from the outer world, preventing possible unauthorized access.

The implementation of such an important and large-scope project once more testifies the capability of SITTI to tackle challenging scenarios.” – Mr. Massimo Romata, SITTI Program Manager, stated – “This also applies to those clients for which security is of utmost importance, as for military purposes.


Always very attentive to the evolutions in the field of voice handling, SITTI is actively participating in the EUROCAE WG122 working group devoted to the definition of virtual centres and all their implications on the services needed for an efficient, safe, effective management of the air traffic.

On May 21, ENAV hosted a WG122 meeting at their nice facilities in Rome Ciampino, during which several important aspects on virtual centres have been discussed. Many experts from different companies representing both ANSPs (Air Navigation Service Providers) and industry met to commence work on a new document “Virtual Centre – Guidelines for Implementation”.

SITTI was represented by its Innovation Manager, Roberto Weger, who described the framework of the contingency and delegation use cases related to the initial deployment of the virtual centre concept within ENAV.


IFATSEA (International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations) will be having its annual regional meeting in Casablanca from the 25th to 28th of June 2024. This is the annual gathering of IFATSEA delegates that will participate in the 14th IFATSEA Africa Region Meeting (ARM) 2024, hosted by Morrocco’s Association of Civil Aviation Electronics Engineers (AEAC).

The focus of the conference is very interesting and challenging, tackling Artificial Intelligence (AI) under the title of “Emergence of newer technologies and their significance to the ATSEP profession: the case of Artificial Intelligence in the CNS/ ATM industry”. AI is in fact one of most promising yet debated technologies that are expected to heavily influence our future, especially in the field of air traffic control and management. More information on the event can be found here:

SITTI has always been paying great attention to IFATSEA, where professionals from different countries can share their views and define the technological, industrial, business future of the countries they can from. The active participation of representatives from many African countries (including ANSPs and airport operators) testifies the importance of events like this, where SITTI as a manufacturers can understand the evolving needs of the local market and vice versa present its solutions, leveraging its large experience from many installations worldwide. ANSPs, Civil Aviation Authorities (CAA), Airport Operators are here represented by Director Generals, Chief Executive Officers, Managing Directors thus confirming the high level of the event.

SITTI confirmed its sponsorship to the event, as done in past editions.

SITTI will be represented by the Area Manager for Africa, Mr. Michael Quartier.


SITTI and ENAV proudly present the co-brand Tower Integrated Information System (TIIS), an innovative and advanced platform crafted to streamline operations within airport control towers.

TIIS stands as a state-of-the-art hardware and software solution, seamlessly consolidating diverse data sources into a unified product. Its primary objective is to reduce the number of objects on the operative desks, by condensing multiple services into a single interface, thereby augmenting operators’ situational awareness while executing their duties safely.

TIIS boasts the capability to integrate both proprietary and third-party legacy systems, ensuring seamless compatibility and interoperability.

Through the synergistic partnership between SITTI and ENAV, our collective vision is to strengthen efficiency, safety, and air traffic management to unparalleled heights. Together, we present a comprehensive and pioneering solution tailored for the evolution of Digital Towers, marking a significant stride in the progress of air traffic management technology.

We extend a warm invitation to join us at Dubai Airport Show at the ATC Forum on Wednesday, May 15th, at 15:00, where we will unveil the groundbreaking capabilities of TIIS.


Equatorial Guinea is a small State on the African equator, between Camerun and Gabon. This country is divided into two main areas, one on the main African Continent and the rest being an island with the its capital, Malabo. Through AGSTP (Aeronautical Ground System Turnkey Provider), SITTI has been asked to provide a VoIP (Voice over IP) VCS system (Voice Communication System) for the international airport in Bata, on the continental African side.

Bata is an important city, where the combination of its harbour and airport creates an important sinergy for the development of this young State, allowing transportation of good and persons to and from the inland.

The VCS system provided by SITTI belongs to the benouned MULTIFONO family of systems used worldwide for the efficient management of Air Traffic Control tasks over the country. The VCS system fulfils all most advanced requirements set by the EUROCAE ED137 standard that defines the way the VoIP protocol shall be used in the Air Traffic Management/Control (ATM/ATC) field.

Ergonomic and state-of-the-art Controller Working Positions (CWPs) allow local controller to interface to radio, telephone and intercom connections for providing flight instructions to pilots and coordinating with other controllers at the same or remote sites, through analogue and VoIP-standard links. In addition to the VCS system and its ancillary equipment, a duplicated GPS master clock system is also being provided by SITTI.

SITTI is a primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide, capable of giving prompt and top edge solution answers to Customer needs, both in the Civilian and Military fields. The leading edge, redundant, non-blocking architecture of the SYNCRONIS® MULTIFONO® M800IP® provides flexibility and modularity for easy expansion and addition of further functionalities.


The international airport of Mosul suffered many damages during the past local war. In order to reactivate and enhance the air traffic in the region and therefore stimulate its economy, the Iraqi government decided for its reconstruction.

The Turkish company TAV – 77 Insaat JV acted as Main Contractor of the project: they have been awarded the important task of not only rebuilding the airport facilities, but also of providing them with the proper means for safe and technologically advanced air traffic control features. SITTI has been asked to provide all what is needed to accomplish the following tasks:

  • an innovative VCS (Voice Communication System)
  • a modern VRS (Voice Recording and Replay System)
  • radio equipment for controller-pilot communication

SITTI is a world market leader in the provision of VCS and VRS systems, both fully compliant with the EUROCAE ED137 standard that defines the way VoIP (Voice over IP) shall be dealt with in the ATC/ATM fields (Air Traffic Control/Management). The system that will be delivered to Mosul includes Controller Working Positions (CWP) for the operators operating in the airport tower. They will be capable of seamlessly accessing both analogue and digital telephone connections, as well as SIP trunks. Similarly, radios of any kind can be linked to the system thanks to appropriate interfaces. The radio equipment will be provided by Jotron, a Norwegian company. Additionally, AFM Group will provide invaluable assistance and on-site installation to support the project.

SITTI is a primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide, capable of giving prompt and top edge solution answers to Customer needs, both in the Civilian and Military fields. The leading edge, redundant, non-blocking architecture of the SYNCRONIS® MULTIFONO® M800IP® provides flexibility and modularity for easy expansion and addition of further functionalities.


SITTI is honoured of announcing that the systems recently supplied to Vietnam have now become operative. With the important support of VATM (Vietnam Air Traffic Management Corporation), SITTI delivered a brand-new IP-based VCS (Voice Communication System) to SORATS (Southern Region Air Traffic Services Company).

This is the first time SITTI supplies such a large system to Vietnam. The new system, belonging to the MULTIFONO® renowned family of VCSs, has been installed at the ACC (Area Control Centre) in Ho Chi Minh, in the Southern part of the country. SITTI has been responsible for the supply, installation, configuration, setting to work, integration and commissioning of the Voice Communication System and its associated equipment, tools and services, with the fundamental support and help of the local company VATM.

The M800IP® system supplied includes 36 Controller Working Positions (CWPs) with full radio, telephone and intercom facilities to access a large number of analogue radio and telephone channels and lines. This system is natively ready to be expanded to also include VoIP (Voice over IP) links, by simply changing the system configuration through the Technical and Monitoring Control system (called MMS) being also part of the delivery.

The number of controllers utilizing the VCS can be seamlessly expanded at any time in the future; similarly, radio and telephone connections of any kind can be added without causing any system disruption. Main/Standby automatic switching modules and radio Best Signal Selection (BSS) boards complete the system, thus giving ATCOs (air traffic controller operators) the best-in-class facilities to properly and effectively manage the air traffic directed to or departing from Vietnam, or flying over it.

This is the first time we supply such a large system to Vietnam. This makes us proud because of the recognition of the high quality standards of our products, once again testified by achievements like this.” – Mr. Panzeri, SITTI Program Manager said – “We are sure the end customer (SORATS) will benefit of the top-level reliability and expandability of the supplied system.


AIRSPACE WORLD is the world’s largest international exhibition dedicated to Air Traffic Control and Air Traffic Management (ATC/ATM); it will take place in Geneva (Switzerland) from March 19 to 21. This unique venue is attracting industry market leaders and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) from all around the globe. Product developers, experts and end users will be gathering for three days to share the latest products and achievements.

AIRSPACE WORLD ( is at its second edition, organized by CANSO (Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation), the organisation representing ANSPs from all over the world. SITTI has always been present at all these important events, being at the forefront in the development of technologically advanced solutions.

The participation in this event is the natural prosecution of the continued presence of SITTI at the major exhibitions on ATC/ATM since decades. This exhibition is in fact the right place where Air Traffic Control stakeholders meet and make things happen. SITTI has therefore the opportunity of showing its latest products and innovative approaches with highly integrated solutions. It is also the right occasion to meet the interest of many customers, both those that are new to us and those who have been knowing us since long.

Following its vocation and commitment to present its Innovative Products to the international audience, SITTI will be participating be presenting new ideas and product concepts, with special attention to integration of different technologies, with high capability and expertise in the management of data and voice.

Voice Communication Systems (VCS), ED137 recorders (VRS), VoIP gateways, integrated information solutions, consoles, tower solutions are the main products developed by SITTI to provide customers with a comprehensive solution to their needs.

Come and visit us at booth J45.


The Italian Air Force (AM – Aeronautica Militare) is more and more progressing in the achievement of their target aiming at centralizing the management of the Voice Communication Systems (VCS) used for the control of the national airspace. This project wants to make it possible to have remote secure access to all facilities from a central location, thus reducing the time needed for acquiring the status of possible malfunctions and the relevant corrective actions.

SITTI is a very long-term supplier to the Air Force and very well knows the network connecting the defence sites and the information they can share with other air traffic control installations. SITTI is therefore in the optimal condition for answering the request coming from the Customer to develop an executive plan for the identification of the services and functions to be made available at each site and the way they can be made accessible.

The Air Force Command requested SITTI to study a possible remote management infrastructure and define the relevant implementation phases, from the definition of the areas of interest up to the identification of the hardware and software modules and components that are required to gradually introduce remote management capabilities with nationwide extension.

The overall plan is divided into 3 major step:

  • Remote Surveillance (T1): centralisation of the alarm and status messages related to the working condition of remote components, with the aim of identifying possible problems and coordinate corrective actions.
  • Remote Diagnostics (T2): capability of executing remote access and diagnosis, by means of dedicated applications, e.g. monitoring the status of all connections of any kind and the real use of operative frequencies.
  • Remote Control (T3): possibility of issuing execution commands to remote facilities and sending reconfiguration patterns to cope with new operational needs, thus dramatically reducing the intervention time, crucial aspect especially in the military field.

The executive plan developed by SITTI has been submitted to the Italian Air Force in all its aspects and got full approval, thus allowing its implementation. Meanwhile, the pilot project has been tested, validated and approved. The new remote management features allow AM to quickly react to all ordinary and extraordinary situations that may occur while controlling the Italian national airspace.