SITTI is a world primary system supplier and integrator of Operational and Technical solutions for Civil and Military Aviation communications and strategic services and customers, such as ANSPs, Fire Brigades, Search & Rescue, Railways, Police, Air Defence, Control and Command Centres, wherever secure, reliable and controlled communications are required.
A special attention has been paid by SITTI in the development of a transportable and easy deployable solution for a Voice Communication System (VCS) for military applications in tactical arrangements. Such a system is derived from the general MULTIFONO® M800IP® VCS family, from which it inherits all its leading characteristics, performance and capabilities. The deployable system is housed in special “cases” conforming to military specifications that allow transportation and installation wherever needed for controlling the airspace.
The Italian Air Force (Aeronautica Militare) ordered SITTI a transportable system to be used by the 4th BTS (Telecommunications Brigade for Air Defence and Flight Assistance) based in Borgo Piave, near Rome, to accomplish their institutional tasks. The main characteristics of the supplied system are:
- interface to 10 single and multiple-channel analogue/VoIP radios
- interface to 10 analogue telephone lines
- connections to digital existing equipment
- supervision, configuration, maintenance, alarm monitoring software
- 2 controller working positions
All above is planned to be installed within 2019.