Training is the way users have the possibility of understanding the technical features and capabilities of complex, redundant, future-proof, yet easy-to-maintain systems like those manufactured by SITTI. We have therefore always paid great attention to offer clients excellent training courses at different customized levels, according to their needs. High skilled personnel with long experience lead the courses aiming at providing the trainees with all information about the equipment and ancillary devices.

Along with traditional courses carried out at SITTI headquarters or at the customer’s premises, remote training is also available:

  • Technical Training – To provide all necessary guidelines to the technical team that will be working on the Voice Communication System.
  • Operational Training – To teach Radio and Telephone Operators the correct use of the VCS Controller Working Positions.
  • Train-to-Trainer Training – To provide a support guide for trainers designated to instruct the technical team that will be working on the VCS.

Remote learning is a means of training that avoids travelling without losing the benefits of excellent education on the systems being presented by the trainer. The reason for opting for remote training can be multifold, from remote physical distance to limited time available, or from governmental restrictions to cost reduction, or from travel visa to health reasons. SITTI has developed two remote training methodologies for supporting customer remote training needs:

  • Online Training
  • Computer Tutorials

The first typology provides training sessions that envisage the possibility of simultaneous interaction between SITTI trainer and the trainees. Both theoretical and practical sessions are provided, during which possible questions can be asked immediately to the trainer. The second typology is based on training tutorials focused on specific topics, in accordance with operational needs of the trainees. Each module is supported with presentation, tutorials and evaluation tests.

Both remote training modes are intended for both new VCS equipment users and to already established customers who need to refresh or deepen the knowledge on specific system aspects:

  • ATCOs
  • ATM Engineers
  • Maintenance staff
  • ANSP Officials


The Middle South Regional ATMB (Air Traffic Management Bureau) of Civil Aviation of China awarded SITTI the provision of a new Voice Communication System (VCS) for Zhuhai, on the Southern Chinese coast.

The new VCS belongs to the MULTIFONO® M800IP® family, complying with the most recent specifications of the EUROCAE ED 137 standard, which defined the rules for the use of VOIP (Voice over IP) in the Air Traffic Control field.

The system being supplied to ZhuHai is capable of natively interface both analogue and digital radios and telephone lines that are internally managed as IP streams thanks to appropriate gateway boards. This allows the system to get all benefits from the native straightforward flexibility of the IP-based architecture of the system itself, without losing the possibility of providing full access to all kinds of interfaces and lines.

The specification from the customer was to be able to connect at least 48 analogue radio channels, 16 VOIP ED-137 radios, more than 80 analogue telephone lines, plus a number of other interfaces, including digital E1 and ATS-QSIG. The provision also includes 9 Controller Working Positions (CWP).

Significant extended features (such as full call priority management, enlarged CWP monitoring, audio transmission coupling on the ground/ground segment, advanced best signal selection, failsafe PTT, signal looping, etc.) are put at the controllers’ disposal for better accomplishing their important tasks.

The Middle South Regional ATMB (Air Traffic Management Bureau) of Civil Aviation of China will deeply test the supplied system and all features therein; this process is expected to end up with the Reliability Acceptance of the system within the current year.


In last January, SITTI proudly announced ( to have been awarded a contract by ORO NAVIGACIJA (the State Lithuanian Air Navigation Service Provider) for the installation of a new Voice Communication System (VCS) at their Area Control Centre (ACC) premises in Vilnius. The VCS system has now been installed and made operational. The setup process has been supported by SITTI technicians that worked side-by-side with the local Lithuanian staff to overcome all possible problems that large installations may encounter.

The installed MULTIFONO® M800IP® Voice Communication System includes more than 50 Controller Working Positions (CWP) of different kinds:

  • console-integrated positions and
  • desktop version that can be used at any ordinary work place.

Thanks to the high level of integration at all CWPs, controllers can easily utilize the Radio communication facilities provided by the M800IP® system, as well as Telephone and Intercom call, including ATS/QSIG. All these features are natively part of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® system, in total compliance with the latest ED-137 VOIP standard. The high level of modularity and the software scalability of M800IP® making the system in Vilnius future-proof, ready for the connection and expansion of IP links and further connections.

SITTI is a primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide, capable of giving prompt and top edge solutions to Customer needs, both in the Civilian and Military fields. The leading edge, redundant, non-blocking architecture of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® provides flexibility and modularity for easy expansion and addition of further functionalities.


Following the positive experience with the existing Voice Communication Systems (VCS) from SITTI, the Ukrainian Air Navigation Service Provider UKSATSE decided to upgrade them, by adding new multi-protocol radio/telephone interfaces and digital E1 links. This will allow the MULTIFONO® M600 VCS systems deployed in the ACCs (Area Control Centres) to interface future standard ED 137 radios and to enhance communications towards the other ACCs in the country.

In addition to that, a brand new M801IP VCS system was installed in Kiev for simulation purposes. This will allow simulation exercises to be carried out by controllers and pilots who simulate their activities for training purposes. This is accomplished through the flexible way the MULTIFONO® M801IP is designed, thus allowing any new addition of positions and simulated radio/telephone lines. At least 4 parallel exercises can be run simultaneously, during which data is collected for later analysis and discussion to further improve the awareness level of the trainees.

SITTI is a primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide, capable of giving prompt and top edge solution answers to Customer needs, both in the Civilian and Military fields. The leading edge, redundant, non-blocking architecture of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® provides flexibility and modularity for easy expansion and addition of further functionalities.


The Republic of Suriname is the smallest independent State in South America. The economic growth of the national economy and the need of enhancing the air connections infrastructure led to the search for a new Voice Communication System (VCS), capable of coping with the local needs, but already prepared for any possible future expansion. The new system is planned to be installed at the capital’s international airport, Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport.

SITTI has been chosen as the preferred supplier thanks to the high performance of its systems and the extremely good references that could be proven worldwide, and especially in South America. SITTI has therefore been awarded a contract for the provision of a new VCS system to the airport in the capital, Paramaribo close to the Atlantic Ocean coast.

The system being installed in Suriname includes a number of ED-137 VoIP interfaces capable of acting as managing both analogue and IP connections. More specifically, the MULTIFONO® M800IP® to Suriname has to deal with analogue/VoIP radio channels configured in automatic main/standby mode, plus analogue FXO/FXS telephone lines and SIP/IP telephone connections. All these communications facilities will be used by a significant number of local air traffic controllers that have access to all such features through an ergonomic and customizable touchscreen panel developed by SITTI.

The supplied systems has the native capability of being expanded seamlessly at any moment in time without affecting ongoing operations, including support for G.729 and dynamic delay compensation. FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) is expected to that place for next June, while SAT (Site Acceptance Test) by August 2020.

SITTI is a primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide, capable of giving prompt and top edge solutions to Customer needs, both in the Civilian and Military fields. The leading edge, redundant, non-blocking architecture of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® provides flexibility and modularity for easy expansion and addition of further functionalities.


The COVID virus crisis is hitting all countries in the world and forced to impose a significant lockdown period in order to control the virus propagation and reduce contagion. Lockdown periods imply that only essential services can continue working, maybe at a reduced pace, to guarantee at least a minimum level of support to vital sectors. SITTI has been recognized by the Italian government as a company providing an essential service and could therefore continue their work, although applying strict health prevention protocols.

In this hard moment in our history, SITTI is continuing supporting our customers and partners to the maximum extent possible, because we are aware that our systems in the Air Traffic Control field and other Emergency Applications (like firefighting and health services) may make the difference. We therefore reorganized our workforce in order to comply with all contractual agreements in force and guarantee timely shipment of all ordered systems.

A special attention has been given to support and maintenance activities (including repairs), by involving all available inland and abroad workforce to make it possible to provide a very timely response to all service requests coming from our customers, even during this emergency period. By scrupulously putting in action all recommendations concerning the health of our employees and customers, SITTI is proud to be in the position of saying that our customers did not suffer any support and maintenance service disruption.

This is a further proof of the reliability of SITTI as a worldwide supplier for communication systems and solutions, capable of coping with and successfully managing even dramatic situations like the one we are currently facing.

We are confident we will very soon overcome the current difficult planetary moment together with our customers all over the world.