SITTI communication systems are already installed at the Decimomannu base of the Italian Air Force (Aeronautica Militare). They allow local controllers to carry out a vast number of tasks, from airspace control to air traffic management and weather forecasting and information distribution.

In order to cope with the increasing operations that controllers are asked to perform, and to allow a larger and more integrated management of the communication lines (both radio and telephone) at the airbase, the local systems require some additional features, including VoIP connections to standard ED137 radios and telephone lines, however not forgetting the capability of interfacing analogue and digital links currently terminating at the airbase.

Some new interface boards, capable of properly dealing all related communication protocols as a matter of simple software configuration, together with controller working positions (CWPs) are going to be installed and commissioned to become operative at the beginning of 2024.

The systems upgrade involved the airbase tower, the operative rooms, the weather forecast office, the approach features and other facilities like IFTS. One of the systems supplied to the Italian Air Force is in fact used in the local International Flight Training School (IFTS), aimed at giving advanced in-depth training courses to pilots of combat aircrafts from different countries. Trainings are based on simulation scenarios that allow trainee pilots to have a very realistic understanding and feeling of the operational situations they may have the need to tackle.


SITTI is known all over the world as a primary market leader for the development and supply of highly reliable, efficient, flexible and integrated solutions for civil and military air traffic control and public services, wherever secure, trusted and controlled communications are required. This unrivalled position in the market is also accompanied by the capability of our company to also produce customised consoles for operators.

Leveraging on its large experience accumulated in decades of successful presence on the market, SITTI is offering its customers a number of solutions for helping them choosing the best solution for their operative consoles. Controllers sitting all day at their desks with a heavy and critical workload must be given the best working solution possible.

It is not just a matter of comfortable sitting places,” – Massimo Romata, Program Manager, says – “but all aspects related to work environment shall be taken into consideration, such as:

  • Ergonomy and comfort
  • Seating adjustment
  • Non-toxic fire-extinguishing materials and paints
  • Easy access to communication instrumentation
  • Free line-of-sight view over controlled areas
  • Handy placement of displays
  • Space optimization

The simulation system provided to the Italian Air Force at Pratica di Mare (near Rome) envisages 6 different operative scenarios, in which trainers, trainees and pilots can easily interact by means of the embedded native radio, telephone and intercom simulation capabilities of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® VCS system. Up to 14 frequencies are simulated, thus allowing the execution of complex training sessions with the contemporary selection and use of a variety of radio channels to best represent live operational scenarios and give trainees a feel-and-touch approach to the tasks they are being trained for.

All these aspects are covered by the GH series of consoles that are going to be supplied to the Italian Air Force (AM) for the Pratica di Mare airbase, close to Rome. 20 new consoles with all their respective additional materials (arms, loudspeakers, armchairs, etc.) will be installed within the end of this year. Military controllers at the airbase will therefore benefit from all aspects mentioned by Mr. Romata in his speech.


Poggio Renatico is one of the most important Italian Air Force bases, with air traffic control responsibilities that cover the entire national peninsula. Targeting a continuous enhancement of this and other similar facilities in Italy, the Air Force Command decided for the installation of 52 new consoles to be used by local operators to better cope with their tasks. In addition, further upgrades are also foreseen for the military Voice Communication System (VCS) deployed at the base.

The new consoles are the result of the many years spent by SITTI side by side to ATC clients worldwide. This allowed SITTI also getting a vast experience in delivering consoles to give operators the best workplace and contributing to making their air traffic control tasks easier, safer and more comfortable, taking into full account all recent technological trends that see information sources being consolidated and concentrated on their desks.

Priority has been given to simplicity and ergonomics to offer friendly solutions for comfortably accessing all required operating functionalities, centred on the operator and his/her task requirements.

The space internal to the console is used to house communication devices, thanks to the two 19” racks, each 8 U high, that allow rear access for non-disruptive maintenance activities. An intelligent cable distribution arrangement reduces the burden of physical connections between different pieces of equipment. High quality colours, removable panels in stainless steel, customisable bays for accommodating loudspeakers and control devices, moveable arms, large internal space for communication equipment complete this high level product.

This large number of new consoles for the operational room at Poggio Renatico will allow military controllers to better utilise the communication devices and various information sources that are being presented to their position, thus improving their air traffic control activities.


SITTI is pleased to inform that EUROCAE has approved the creation of a new working group, aimed at standardizing communications between VCS and ATC/ATM equipment (e.g. radar). The standard that will be defined will allow these systems to exchange a large amount of information that will facilitate the work of air traffic controllers, making flights safer. As happened with the ED137 standard on VOIP, this new standard is also destined to be adopted worldwide.

The idea of ​​setting up a new working group was originated by SITTI which, together with THALES and ENAV, proposed it to EUROCAE (the main European standardization body in the aviation field). Not only has EUROCAE approved its creation, but SITTI (in the person of Mr. Roberto Weger) will guide the work of this new group.

The recognition of SITTI as leader of this new important group (which all VCS manufacturers and a large number of ANSPs asked to join) testifies of the recognized value of our company and the high consideration we have in these international bodies.

SITTI thanks all those who, directly or indirectly, have contributed and will contribute with their inputs, observations, criticisms and comments to this working group.