The Brazilian Minister of Defence admitted the General Manager of “SITTI do Brasil”, Mr. Riccardo Ornaghi, to the Order of Aeronautical Merit.

The Order of Aeronautical Merit is the highest Aeronautical honour awarded by the Brazilian Air Force Commander. This recognition rewards personnel of the Brazilian Air Force for notable services, as well as recognizes outstanding services done by Brazilian or foreign civil and military people to Brazil.

After the imposition of the Medal, occurred at ALA11 during the Aviator’s Day Celebration, the SITTI do Brazil Director presented the high award to the top management at the headquarters  in Milan, with special thanks to the Brazilian Air Force and to all the colleagues who participated to this important goal: “Such an important recognition is a reason of high honour to me and to SITTI company, professionally committed in Brazil over the last twenty years. This result could not have been achieved without the constant commitment of Italian and Brazilian colleagues who daily dedicate their energies to guarantee security and efficiency in the services provided. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Brazilian Air force for having recognized our efforts and results that, after this merit, shall always meet the highest expectations.”


O Ministro de Estado da Defesa Brasileira admitiu o Diretor Geral da SITTI do Brasil, Sr. Riccardo Ornaghi, no Corpo de Graduados Especiais da Ordem do Mérito Aeronáutico tramite a portaria Nº 3.552/GM-MD publicada no DOU no de 21 de setembro de 2018.

A Ordem do Mérito Aeronáutico é a mais alta distinção honorífica designada pelo Comandante da Aeronáutica. É destinada a premiar os militares da Aeronáutica que tenham prestado serviços relevantes ou notáveis ao País, assim como para reconhecer serviços prestados à Aeronáutica por personalidades civis e militares e por Organizações Militares e instituições civis, brasileiras ou estrangeiras.

Apos a imposição da Medalha, ocorrida na ALA11 durante a Comemoração do dia do Aviador, o Diretor da SITTI do Brasil apresentou a ilustríssima gratificação para os diretores da SITTI Itália agradecendo a FAB e todos os colegas que participaram a este importantíssimo resultado: “Ter recebido um reconhecimento tão importante é motivo de grandíssima honra para mim e para a empresa SITTI que atua no Brasil com comprometimento e profissionalismo há vinte anos. Este resultado não poderia ter sido alcançado sem o constante emprenho dos colegas italianos e brasileiros que diariamente dedicam próprias energias para garantir segurança e eficiência nos serviços prestados. Agradeço a FAB para ter reconhecido os resultados dos nossos esforços que, apos este mérito, deverão ser sempre mais eficazes procurando atender as mais altas espectativas”.


At the beginning of 2018, the Italian Ministry of the Interior commissioned SITTI the upgrade of the Fire Brigades operational rooms covering the entire peninsula. The contract was assigned to SITTI in the frame of the modernization of the Fire Brigades communication facilities, under the supervision of the General Direction in Rome, Dipartimento dei Vigili del Fuoco, as part of the European Unique Emergency Number 112 (NUE).

The upgrade activity involved 46 provincial commands of the Fire Brigades, for a total of 152 Controller Working Positions. In total 78 commands are being using the provided upgrades, for a total of 290 positions. This required a large need for coordination of the interventions, in order not to disrupt nor hinder the operational tasks assigned to the operational rooms, so that the level of assistance to the population is unaffected. The seamless transition to the new features assured continued presence of qualified personnel for dealing with emergency situations.

The positive result of this wide upgrade program once more confirmed the flexibility of SITTI products, that can be used for air traffic control as well as in the public assistance and civil defense fields.


Following the positive experience with the Voice Communication System (VCS) from SITTI, the Georgian Air Navigation Service Provider SAKAERONAVIGATSIA decided to upgrade the MULTIFONO® M800IP® VCS systems deployed in the country to support simulation, frequency monitoring, local analogue radios. The affected sites are the major Georgian cities: Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Batumi.

The upgrade of the existing Voice Communication System in Tbilisi will allow simulation exercises in the dedicated simulation room close to the Tbilisi ACC Centre: tower controllers and pilots simulate their activities for training purposes in all weather and traffic conditions. This is accomplished through the flexible way the MULTIFONO® M800IP® is designed, thus allowing any new addition of positions and simulated radio/telephone lines. The frequency monitoring facility being implemented at the Georgian air traffic control centers gives controllers and technicians a clear view on how radio resources are being used in real time.

SITTI is a primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide, capable of giving prompt and top edge solution answers to Customer needs, both in the Civilian and Military fields. The leading edge, redundant, non-blocking architecture of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® provides flexibility and modularity for easy expansion and addition of further functionalities.


After the successful installation of its MULTIFONO® M800IP® Voice Communication System (VCS)  at the new Blaise Diagne International Airport (AIBD) in Dakar, SITTI is being providing another system to the Senegal Armed Forces. The new system also includes a Voice Recorder and Replay System (VRR) to provide all features needed for a complete, efficient and effective supervision of the assigned airspace. The VCS supplied by SITTI allows the connection of both radio and telephone ED137 VOIP channels/interfaces, thus permitting operators to communicate with their counterparts using the latest technology available on the market.

As usual for this kind of projects, SITTI set up a dedicated team that closely follows the progress of the project steps, from installation to commissioning, to ensure that the project meets the high quality and performance standards applicable to military services. After Factory Acceptance Tests, the system will be installed and set-up in Dakar in the first half of next year.

SITTI is a primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide, capable of giving prompt and top edge solutions to Customer needs, both in the Civilian and Military fields. The leading edge, redundant, non-blocking architecture of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® provides flexibility and modularity for easy expansion and addition of further functionalities.