SITTI is not new in the supply of technologically advanced systems to the Indonesian Air Forces (TNI – Tentara Nasional Indonesia) through a local company. The products supplied by SITTI in the past (read here have been so satisfactory for the end customer that another 6 new Voice Communication Systems (VCS) are going to be installed in the Indonesian country.

More specifically, the new systems will be supplied to provide the ADOC (Air Defence & Operations Command), the SOC (Sector Operation Centre) and 4 radar stations with modern, top level devices with proven and certified characteristics. The Voice Communication Systems manufactured by SITTI in fact represent the best choice for military organizations worldwide, thanks to their unparalleled reliability, expandability and resilience, as testified by the very large number of installations in all continents.

The VCSs under supply are equipped with interface boards capable of connecting to analogue and digital links, both radio and telephone, including VoIP ones (Voice over IP). SITTI systems come along with the native capability of being interfaced to radios from any manufacturer, thus making it the most customizable system available on the market.

In addition to VCS, SITTI is also providing the ADOC and SOC centres with voice recording systems (VRS) belonging to the VRS800 recorder family, that is characterized by being a no-single-point-of-failure system offering an extremely high performance and reliability level, capable of recording (and obviously of synchronously reproducing) both audio and video sources.

Air/Ground and Ground/Ground communications are tracked by this client/server recording system with the capability of storing long term information and events, thus allowing controllers to access and reproduce all conversations of interest. The recorded data replay system gives operators full access to both audio and events occurred at the time of recording, thus allowing them to reproduce the exact sequence of operations.


NATO ACCS (Air Command and Control Systems) in Italy are going to be equipped with new M800IP® MULTIFONO® VCS (Voice Communication Systems). This activity is being requested by NATO through the Italian Air Force Command in order to allow the existing ISDN communication network to be replaced by modern IP/VoIP (Voice over IP) interfaces.

Both classified and unclassified communications flow through the VCS equipment provided by SITTI to TELEDIFE, the Italian agency that is in charge of selecting and providing the Air Force with the proper equipment. From the operational rooms of the Italian air defence centres, operators will be able to access all UHF/VHF radios, apply ECCM measures, use HF radio links, establish telephone calls, in both clear and encrypted modes.

The M800IP® system is fully ED 137 compliant. This is a standard developed by EUROCAE for the implementation of Voice Over IP features in the Air Traffic Management and Control areas, by defining the way radio accesses and telephone calls shall be established, maintained, terminated. ED 137 is not specific to civil or military applications, in that it can be used in both environments: it defines a framework that guarantees interoperability between devices from different vendors.

As a consequence of the planned evolution towards IP/VoIP network, ACCS Voice Communication Systems (VCS) are going to be enhanced to include the new VoIP technology without losing any previously accessible feature, so as the grant cross‐border connections among all ACCS sites.

Stringent quality standards are applied according to NATO and National regulations, to ensure that SITTI MULTIFONO® M800IP® systems are fully capable of supporting easy and effective integration and transition to new technologies, at the same time providing military advanced features and full reliability of their systems.


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is conducting a significant Market Survey to define the acquisition strategy and validate future U.S. aviation communication systems’ requirements. As part of that campaign, the FAA has selected the best Voice Communication Switch suppliers worldwide to provide their COTS (Commercial Off-the-Shelf) systems.

SITTI is proud to be part of those.

SITTI MULTIFONO® M800IP® VCS system will be installed at the FAA William Hughes Technical Center in Atlantic City and be used by the FAA to perform market research for future voice switching procurements.

The system being provided by SITTI uses several radio and telephone connections, both analog and digital, to allow the FAA to simulate voice communications in support of execution of various operational scenarios. FAA users will be interfacing the system through 4 radio+telephone controller working positions.

This is a significant achievement for SITTI, in line with its strategy to invest strongly in the American market.  Furthermore, it is an excellent opportunity for SITTI to make the FAA and the major players in the Air Navigation field appreciate the qualities of its systems and services in terms of reliability and flexibility.

This further confirmation of our leading position in the VCS market provides us with the opportunity to broaden our supply and support to U.S. organizations and Federal Agencies that are working to replace and upgrade their current infrastructures with VoIP technology.