ESOC is the European Space Operations Centre for ESA, the European Space Agency. The main task of ESOC is to coordinate operations for ESA member States projects related to spacecraft and satellites deployment. Among these, coordination of the launches including simulations and missions readiness testing communication to satellites via ESA and partners Ground Stations all over the world, satellite control during routine operations. ESOC is articulated around Earth Observation missions, Astronomy and Fundamental Physics Missions, Solar system Exploratory Missions and many other like Navigation and Space Debris. Here is a link for further information about ESOC operations:

After the positive supply of a large M800IP® MULTIFONO® Voice Communication System (VCS) with more than 130 Controller Working Positions (CWP) for the Control Center of Darmstadt last year, the contract between ESA and SITTI has been extended for the provision of a similar system for the CEBREROS ESA Ground Station in Spain. This new system is smaller (26 positions) than the initial one, but the two installations shall be interconnected in order to allow operators to share vital information about the spacecrafts being controlled. The deployment of the M800IP® MULTIFONO® Voice Communication System is planned to continue in the coming years with four other ESA Ground Stations (Kourou, Malargue, New Norcia and Kiruna).

By means of these two VCS systems, ESOC staff can also be connected to their partners worldwide through telephone gateways for mainly VOIP based standard communications. Because of the extremely demanding operational aspects of the activities done by ESOC and the high-level technology involved, the VCS architecture is duplicated in all system components, for coping with possible contingency situations.

The new Cebreros Ground Station system is going to be installed in the first half of next year. SITTI is very proud of having been chosen once again by ESOC, thus confirming our systems as those that are most suitable for their needs for ensuring reliable communications, by use of highly modular, robust and flexible standard switching interfaces. The use of M800IP® MULTIFONO® in such a challenging environment like a space agency furthermore confirms the flexibility and robustness of SITTI products.


Continuing the decades-long good relationship with the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), SITTI has been awarded a contract for the supply of a new VCS (Voice Communication System) and VRS (Voice Recording System) and ancillary equipment to the Subang Air Control Centre.

The MULTIFONO® M800IP® Voice Communication System will be installed (under Leonardo supervision) during the second half of this year, to become operative in early 2020. The new VCS system is accompanied by Voice Recorder VRS800G and a GPS clock system for precise timing of air control operations. The VCS being supplied is belongs to the M800IP® fully IP-based family, based on a duplicated high speed LAN backbone.

– 30 VHF UHF VoIP ED137 Single Radio Channel
– 8 VoIP ED137 Multi Radio Channel

– 57 Analogue 2W/4WE&M Telephone Line
– Integration with new Kuala Lumpur ATCC Center

– 7 Controller Working Positions

On the other hand, the Voice Recording System VRS800G shall be capable of interfacing not only 128 VoIP and analogue channels, but also the video stream from 6 radar operative positions. This has been accomplished by meeting the Customer requirements with the most modern technologies.

SITTI is a primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide, capable of giving prompt and top edge solutions to Customer needs, both in the Civilian and Military fields. The leading edge, redundant, non-blocking architecture of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® provides flexibility and modularity for easy expansion and addition of further functionalities.


SITTI is constantly supporting the improvement and enhancement projects of its customers worldwide. Thanks to the excellent relationships that SITTI establishes with its clients, it is straightforward that these latter call on SITTI whenever their systems have to be upgraded, integrated, expanded, improved. This is the case of Milan Malpensa airport, where ENAV (the Italian ANSP) installed a new MULTIFONO® M800IP® Voice Communication System (VCS) in the local tower. The new operative system is fully compliant to the VOIP requirements, according to the latest ED 137 specifications by Eurocae and Eurocontrol.

Because of its intrinsic reliability and modularity, the new system by SITTI has been chosen as the Main system in a duplicated configuration, thus contributing in making the skies over Northern Italy safer and open to the future. The main characteristics of the supplied M800IP® VCS can be summarized as follows:
a. 16 VOIP channels
b. 38 analogue telephone connections
c. Capability of interfacing 24 analogue radio channels in main/stand-by configuration
d. Total reuse of the existing digital recorders through 4 E1 links
e. Interface to the ENET network via 16 QSIG connections
f. Duplicated digital precision GPS clock
g. Redundant maintenance, configuration and supervision system
h. 17 fully equipped CWPs (Controller Working Positions)

The new MULTIFONO® VOIP M800IP® installed in the Malpensa tower operated by ENAV is in the frame of the generalized trend of all ANSPs (Air Navigation Service Providers) moving from analogue and digital to modern VOIP systems, without losing the capability of continuing utilizing their current infrastructure, i.e. by guaranteeing operational continuity in a seamless manner to operators. The objective is to allow these latter to still use the procedures and services they are used to, but at the same time to provide them with up-to-date services and functions that may facilitate their work and increase their situational awareness.


SITTI is a world primary system supplier and integrator of Operational and Technical solutions for Air Traffic Control for both Civil organisations and Military Air Forces. When it comes to the military field, SITTI systems have been designed to be capable of properly manage all the advanced features that are required to cope with specific needs of advanced and secure communications, such as
• High redundancy
• Advanced Radio Management (HF, VHF, UHF)
• Security features
• Nationwide Network Management
• Simulation and Training

Ejercito Del Aire, the Spanish Air Force, have been looking (through ATOS company) for a military conformant Voice Communication System (VCS) to be installed at the Villanubla Tower. MULTIFONO® M800IP® by SITTI natively has all required characteristics that best suit the end customer needs. SITTI has therefore been awarded a contract for the supply of a military-shaped VCS system to be installed in the second half of the current year.

Ejercito Del Aire asked for some new features that are deemed to be very useful in their environment. The relevant adaptation has been agreed and implemented in a seamless way, thanks to the flexible and extremely modular manner both hardware and software parts are designed. Furthermore, the supplied system shall be capable of seamlessly be expanded by at least 50% of its initial capacity. Here again the SITTI approach to modular architecture plays a fundamental role, thus allowing expansion in an extremely smooth way.


Myanmar is a strategic country on the routes between Europe and the Far East area and Australia. Because of its long stretch, practically all flights heading to Thailand, Vietnam, Southern China shall overfly Myanmar, former Burma.

Through a Thai company, SAMART, SITTI is about to deliver a new MULTIFONO® M800IP® to the Yangon Air Control Centre (ACC). This will help the further development of the country, by ensuring a higher level of flight safety and reliable communications. The Yangon (former Rangoon) ACC, half way in the almost 2000 km long country, is a perfect place from where to control the air traffic flow.

The MULTIFONO® M800IP Voice Communication System (VCS) comes along with 22 Controller Working Positions (CWP) and is equipped with the capability of interfacing 32 analogue 4W E&M radio channels plus 64 VoIP ED137 radios; as for the telephone part of the system, 48 analogue 2W/4W E&M lines and 30 VoIP connections are supported.

Simulation facilities for the Air Traffic Management Centre (ATMC) are also included with additional 5 controller positions.

SITTI is a primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide, capable of giving prompt and top edge solutions to Customer needs, both in the Civilian and Military fields. The leading edge, redundant, non-blocking architecture of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® provides flexibility and modularity for easy expansion and addition of further functionalities.