
In its vast offer of innovative products, SITTI also developed and customized field deployable Voice Communication Systems (VCS) to be used by military Air Forces in tactical arrangements. SITTI field deployable VCS is named M802IP. This is derived from the well known MULTIFONO® M800IP® family, from which it derives all its leading characteristics, performance and capabilities.

Two M802IP systems have been ordered for use by the Primeiro Grupo de Comunicações E Controle (1° GCC) either inside a shelter or on the field. The field deployable system is housed in special “cases” conforming to military specifications that allow transportation and installation wherever needed for controlling the airspace.

A significant number of Controller Working Positions is included in the supply, connected via optic fibre with the capability of interfacing both analogue and VOIP single radios, as well as analogue and VOIP telephone lines. Radio reception is under the control of a sophisticated Best Signal Selection (BSS) facility to guarantee controllers the best received audio at any moment in time. Recording and GPS precision clock complete the supply.

This project will be directly managed by SITTI subsidiary in Brazil, SITTI do Brazil.