In the frame of a commercial cooperation with LEONARDO, SITTI is going to provide Malaysia with new VCSs (Voice Communication Systems) and Emergency Radio Access Devices. More specifically, the new installations are relevant to the Kuala Lumpur Air Traffic Control Centre (KL-ATCC), the local Disaster Recovery (DR) facility and the control tower at Subang.

The new VCS systems are the most technologically advanced solution available on the market, fully compliant to the latest international standard in the field of air management and control, especially focusing on EUROCAE ED 137. This document defines the rules and protocols to use VoIP (Voice over IP) in the air management context, all over the world.

The Main Operatioanl System (MOS) at Kuala Lumpur is the largest among the systems provided to Malaysia, with 52 new controller working positions (CWP), from which controllers have full and possibly simultaneous access to almost 400 radio channels and more than 100 analogue and SIP telephone lines. The Disaster Recovery system is used as a contingency system, in case for any reason the MOS is unavailable; it has the same interface capabilities and around 40 new CWPs.

Moreover all the existing SITTI TDM-VCS have been upgraded in order to be integrated to KL-ATCC with VoIP radio and telephone connections over MPLS network.

Besides the supply of the above mentioned VCSs, SITTI is also delivering a significant number of so-called Emergency Radio Access Devices (ERAD), as last resort resources for the access to remote transceivers. These devices are air traffic control terminals, designed by SITTI as a powerful, flexible and cost-effective solution to ensure continuity of radio and telephone communications in the event of an emergency. Thanks to its all-in-one architecture, it is completely independent of the existing VCS network and is able to guarantee reliable communication with remote devices, even if the main system is out of order.

ERAD consists of an integrated operative position and associated electro-acoustical devices (PTT, microphone, loudspeaker), giving access to communication features through a 7 inch touchscreen panel, through which the operator can connect to any local and remote radio and telephone device

SITTI is a primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide, capable of giving prompt and top edge solutions to Customer needs, both in the Civilian and Military fields. The leading edge, redundant, non-blocking architecture of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® provides flexibility and modularity for easy expansion and addition of further functionalities.

Leonardo is among the top world players in Aerospace, Defense and Security. The company, through the joint venture AAT (Advanced Air Traffic Systems) and the Civil Aviation Authority Malaysia (CAAM), is responsible of the KL ATTCC (New Kuala Lumpur Air Traffic Control Centre) program, which aims to enhance the management of Malaysian airspace.


Haikou is the main city on the isle of Hainan, in the south of China. It is the most populated city on the island with almost 2 million people. For the improvement and expansion of the local airport, SITTI has been awarded the supply of a brand new MULTIFONO® M800IP® Voice Communication Solution (VCS), through the very good work and capabilities of our local representative, Beijing XiDi Communication Technology Co., Ltd.

Over the past years, SITTI has been installing a large number of VCS systems throughout China. The new order coming from this big country underlines and makes explicit the excellent reputation that our company has gained in the Far East, thanks to its top level systems, capable of adapting themselves to many different environments and capable of managing the Air Traffic Control of small airfields as well as large ACC centres.

The new VCS has been thought for the improvement and increase of the traffic management capacity of the local Haikou Meilan International Airport. It envisages a set of controller working positions, capable of interfacing both analogue and digital radios and telephone lines, with all the features and facilities available at larger installations.

This allows the system to get all benefits from the native straightforward flexibility of its MULTIFONO® IP-based architecture, without losing the possibility of providing full access to all kinds of interfaces and lines. The system is fully complying with the most recent standards issued by EUROCAE in its ED-137, which defined the rules for the use of VoIP (Voice over IP) in the Air Traffic Control and Management fields.

The new system is seamlessly expandable at any moment in time by simply adding new controller working positions and/or modules. Their configuration can be autonomously carried out by the local staff by means of the supervision and maintenance system, which is also part of the supply: they can be put into operation in a matter of minutes, thus significantly enhancing the air traffic control capabilities of Haikou operators.

New SITTI-ENAV Integrated Tower Product

At the World ATM Congress 2021 in Madrid, SITTI and ENAV Group are jointly announcing their new product Tower Integrated Information System (TIIS), a co-brand turn-key solution to integrate all systems and applications used in ATC Towers.

Come visit us at booth 562.

TIIS complete configuration is composed by:

  • ATC Console
  • TIIS Management Application
  • Tower Electronic Strip Bay
  • Tower Controller Working Position
  • Workstation for Flight Data Processing
  • Automatic Weather Observation System
  • Digital Automatic Terminal Information Service
  • Aeronautical Dynamic Data Management
  • Aeronautical Message Handling System
  • Voice Communication System
  • Audio/Video Recording and Playback System
  • Local and Remote Alarm Systems
  • Runway Lights
  • Ancillary equipment (Cameras, I/O devices)

Thanks to TIIS Management Application, all or part of the above systems can be supplied and integrated. Furthermore, its scalability and flexibility allow the integration of third-party legacy systems. Tower Integrated Information System is a hardware/ software solution for airports of any size or Remote Towers, which concentrates different data sources into one integrated product that reduces the number of objects on the controller working position desks. The ATC applications can be arranged in configurable desktops and layouts, each dealing with different management aspects, according to the Customer needs.


Through the excellent relationships with LEONARDO, SITTI has been awarded the supply of a Voice Communication System (VCS) for the U-Tapao airport in Thailand, about 40 kilometres afar from the world famous beaches of Pattaya and about 160 km from the capital, Bangkok.

SITTI is being supplying a VCS belonging to the MULTIFONO® M800IP® family, including 7 Controller Working Positions (CWP) with Radio, Telephone and Intercom facilities. Installation, configuration, setting to work, integration, commissioning are under the responsibility of SITTI.

The system for U-Tapao airport is aimed at allowing the final customer to interface 32 standard analogue telephone lines of different kinds and 12 analogue radio channels. Nevertheless, the interface boards making up this system are already natively ready to be used for connecting VoIP radios, once the customer will be migrating to this technology.

Best Signal Selection (BSS) modules are also part of the system for identification and distribution of the best received radio signal to the operators. Furthermore, interfaces for legal recording are also envisaged. The supply also includes precise clock reference modules and the MMS software platform used to configure the system, manage possible incoming alarms and make all administrative tasks from a redundant installation.

At any time in the future, the system can be seamlessly enlarged by adding new interface boards and/or controller working positions, whose configuration is extremely easy and straightforward: they can be put into operation in a matter of minutes, without interrupting ongoing activities.


SITTI is not new in the supply of technologically advanced systems to the Indonesian Air Forces (TNI – Tentara Nasional Indonesia) through a local company. The products supplied by SITTI in the past (read here have been so satisfactory for the end customer that another 6 new Voice Communication Systems (VCS) are going to be installed in the Indonesian country.

More specifically, the new systems will be supplied to provide the ADOC (Air Defence & Operations Command), the SOC (Sector Operation Centre) and 4 radar stations with modern, top level devices with proven and certified characteristics. The Voice Communication Systems manufactured by SITTI in fact represent the best choice for military organizations worldwide, thanks to their unparalleled reliability, expandability and resilience, as testified by the very large number of installations in all continents.

The VCSs under supply are equipped with interface boards capable of connecting to analogue and digital links, both radio and telephone, including VoIP ones (Voice over IP). SITTI systems come along with the native capability of being interfaced to radios from any manufacturer, thus making it the most customizable system available on the market.

In addition to VCS, SITTI is also providing the ADOC and SOC centres with voice recording systems (VRS) belonging to the VRS800 recorder family, that is characterized by being a no-single-point-of-failure system offering an extremely high performance and reliability level, capable of recording (and obviously of synchronously reproducing) both audio and video sources.

Air/Ground and Ground/Ground communications are tracked by this client/server recording system with the capability of storing long term information and events, thus allowing controllers to access and reproduce all conversations of interest. The recorded data replay system gives operators full access to both audio and events occurred at the time of recording, thus allowing them to reproduce the exact sequence of operations.


Chengdu is the capital of the south-western province of Sichuan in China. For the improvement and expansion of the airport, the local administration awarded SITTI the supply of a brand new MULTIFONO® M800IP® Voice Communication Solution.

SITTI boasts a very large base of installed systems in China. The increasing number of orders coming from this country once more testifies the excellent reputation that our company has well-deserved in the Far East, even through the excellent work done by our local representative, Beijing XiDi Communication Technology Co., Ltd.

The new VCS has a limited size compared to other similar systems spread all over the country, but nevertheless it provides operators with all the features and facilities available at larger installations. The system is in fact complying with the most recent specifications of the EUROCAE ED 137 standard, which defined the rules for the use of VOIP (Voice over IP) in the Air Traffic Control field.

The system is capable of interfacing both analogue and digital radios and telephone lines. This allows the system to get all benefits from the native straightforward flexibility of the IP-based architecture of the system itself, without losing the possibility of providing full access to all kinds of interfaces and lines.

At any time in the future, the system can be seamlessly enlarged by adding new interface boards and/or controller working positions, whose configuration is extremely easy thanks to the MMS software: they can be put into operation in a matter of minutes, thus significantly enhancing the air traffic control capabilities of Chengdu operators.


Dara Sakor is an area along the coast of Cambodia that is undergoing an extensive development. Due to the important drivers for the economy of the area, including the attractiveness of the touristic offer, new investments are foreseen. The nearby airport is going to be enlarged and potentiated to cope with an expected increased traffic volume. Tourism is an important driver of the economy in the region, and therefore appropriate investments are planned to sustain the demand for easy reachability of the local resorts.

The supply of a new Voice Communication System (VCS) has been awarded to SITTI, through SAMART Corp, for the local management of the air traffic. The system encompasses 4 controller working positions connected to 10 tx/rx VOIP radio channels and 10 analogue telephone lines, although the intrinsic flexibility of the architecture of SITTI systems allows to add new positions and/or interface boards without any disruption to the ongoing data and voice traffic.

The active contribution given by SITTI to the development and standardization of the EUROCAE ED-137 world standard on VOIP in ATM (Air Traffic Management) guarantees the customer of a complete adherence of SITTI systems to the latest available document requirements, further confirmed by the large base of installed VOIP systems all around the world.

SITTI is a primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide, capable of giving prompt and top edge solutions to Customer needs, both in the Civilian and Military fields. The leading edge, redundant, non-blocking architecture of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® provides flexibility and modularity for easy expansion and addition of further functionalities.


The Middle South Regional ATMB (Air Traffic Management Bureau) of Civil Aviation of China awarded SITTI the provision of a new Voice Communication System (VCS) for Zhuhai, on the Southern Chinese coast.

The new VCS belongs to the MULTIFONO® M800IP® family, complying with the most recent specifications of the EUROCAE ED 137 standard, which defined the rules for the use of VOIP (Voice over IP) in the Air Traffic Control field.

The system being supplied to ZhuHai is capable of natively interface both analogue and digital radios and telephone lines that are internally managed as IP streams thanks to appropriate gateway boards. This allows the system to get all benefits from the native straightforward flexibility of the IP-based architecture of the system itself, without losing the possibility of providing full access to all kinds of interfaces and lines.

The specification from the customer was to be able to connect at least 48 analogue radio channels, 16 VOIP ED-137 radios, more than 80 analogue telephone lines, plus a number of other interfaces, including digital E1 and ATS-QSIG. The provision also includes 9 Controller Working Positions (CWP).

Significant extended features (such as full call priority management, enlarged CWP monitoring, audio transmission coupling on the ground/ground segment, advanced best signal selection, failsafe PTT, signal looping, etc.) are put at the controllers’ disposal for better accomplishing their important tasks.

The Middle South Regional ATMB (Air Traffic Management Bureau) of Civil Aviation of China will deeply test the supplied system and all features therein; this process is expected to end up with the Reliability Acceptance of the system within the current year.


Voice Communication Systems (VCS) by SITTI represent the best choice for military and civil organizations worldwide, thanks to the unparalleled reliability, expandability and resilience. This is also testified by the large number of installations that are being undergone in many continents. Among these, noteworthy is the supply of 6 brand new MULTIFONO® M800IP® Voice Communication Systems (VCS) to the Indonesian air force for their SOCs (Sector Operation Centers).

Through a local company named PT. DIANANGKASA RAYA, SITTI has been awarded the provision of voice handling and management systems for 5 radar stations. Such systems are equipped with interface boards capable of connecting to analogue and digital links, both radio and telephone, including VoIP ones (Voice over IP). SITTI systems come along with the native capability of being interfaced to radios from any manufacturer, thus making it the most customizable system available on the market.

The supplied SOC system is also accompanied by recording system from SITTI. The VRS800G recorder is a no-single-point-of-failure system offering an extremely high performance and reliability level, capable of recording (and obviously of synchronously reproducing) both audio and video sources. This allows to keep track of both A/G and G/G communications (Air/Ground) (Ground/Ground) by means of a client/server recording system capable of storing long term information and events logging, thus allowing air traffic controllers to access and reproduce all conversations of interest. The interface to the existing MULTIFONO® VCS is guaranteed thanks to appropriate interface boards, capable of dealing with all communication protocols in use at the base.

The recorded data replay system permits operators to synchronize and have access to both audio and events occurred at the time of recording, so as to allow them to reconstruct the exact sequence of operations that took place. This is an important feature, especially for military purposes, in order to be able to help identifying possible targets and correcting error or providing alternative flight routes.

SITTI is a primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide, capable of giving prompt and top edge solutions to Customer needs, both in the Civilian and Military fields. The leading edge, redundant, non-blocking architecture of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® provides flexibility and modularity for easy expansion and addition of further functionalities, conformant to the ED 137 standard.


Betong is a town in southern Thailand, near the Malaysian border, capital of the Betong District, far down in the Thai territory on the Malaccan peninsula. Tourism is an important driver of the economy in the region, with almost a million foreign visitors a year. In order to further improve the local economy, as of 2018 Thailand’s transport ministry is constructing the new Betong Airport. This latter is scheduled to be opened in June 2020, designed to handle about 300 arrivals per hour.

The Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) for the Thailand area (Aeronautical Radio of Thailand – AEROTHAI) had therefore the need to equip the new tower in Betong with a standards-compliant VCS system (Voice Communication System). The local partner of SITTI, V&S Communications Co. Ltd., proposed the MULTIFONO® M800IP® system by SITTI as the optimal solution for the Aerothai needs.

The extremely positive long-lasting reputation gained by SITTI in the region made the rest: the SITTI system has been chosen as the best answer to the requirements of the new modern airport. The system being provide to Betong includes the connection to 12 analogue telephone lines, 24 analogue 4 wire E&M radio connections, plus 24 VOIP ED-137 radio channels and 4 controller working positions (CWP). Conversations recording outputs, ambient recording and radio best signal selection (BSS) features are also foreseen.

The active contribution given by SITTI to the development and standardization of the EUROCAE ED-137 world standard guarantees the customer of a complete adherence of SITTI systems to the latest available document requirements, further confirmed by the large base of installed VOIP systems all around the world.

SITTI is a primary VCS manufacturer and supplier worldwide, capable of giving prompt and top edge solutions to Customer needs, both in the Civilian and Military fields. The leading edge, redundant, non-blocking architecture of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® provides flexibility and modularity for easy expansion and addition of further functionalities.