LVC (Live, Virtual, Constructive) is a widespread term for defining modelling and simulation methods used to train pilots and ground controllers to enhance their combat readiness and situational awareness. Ordinary live flights are essential to military pilots to get acquainted with their airplanes and weapon systems, but these exercises are limited by several factors, like the number of aircraft that can be used, the available airspace, the impossibility of launching real missiles against targets.

LVC allows simultaneous usage of both real systems and virtual ones, so that e.g. enemy targets can be simulated and counter measures can be applied when attacked. The airspace is virtually enlarged and the number of flying objects (both friends and foes) is increased, thus providing pilots and controllers with a much more realistic training environment where the effect of the engagement with the enemy and any battle damage can be evaluated.

The Italian Air Force (Aeronautica Militare) is also applying these LVC concepts for the training of its pilots and controllers. For LVC purposes, communication is of fundamental importance. Therefore, at each C2 centre, SITTI will be supplying a Voice Communication System (VCS) to allow bidirectional connection between live and virtual environments to interface real and virtual radios.

This special application of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® VCS system will also require some interface adaptations and enhancements to allow ground controllers and pilots to seamlessly interact in the frame of the training exercises that aim at educating all involved military staff to reach the highest level of preparation.


Sigonella is a military base located in Sicily, jointly used by the Italian and US Air Force. The base is about to undergo a modernisation process that includes the complete restructuring of the APP (Approach) facilities. SITTI is here upgrading the voice management infrastructure.

SITTI will provide the Sigonella base with a Voice Communication System (VCS) belonging the standard-compliant MULTIFONO® M800IP® family and an integrated Voice Recording & Replay System (VRS). This latter allows recording of the audio of all channels available to the controllers (and related signalling) plus their radar screens in a synchronised manner.

Meantime the APP building is restructured, APP and main radar services will be provided by a sheltered temporary facility connected to the global IP network, where controllers have access to all communication features needed for accomplishing their tasks. New controller working positions (CWP) are also part of the supply.

SITTI systems are well suited for civil as well as military usage, wherever safe, efficient, reliable communication is required, thus confirming SITTI as a one-stop supplier for Air Traffic Control needs.


The convergence of voice and data into one multimedia network is nowadays a consolidated reality, based on IP networks and related technology that fulfil all operational and technical ATM communication requirements. Analogue connections are therefore on their way to be phased out by ANSPs and replaced by VoIP (Voice over IP) links.

The work commissioned by ENAV for the ACC in Padua follows this general worldwide trend. Existing analogue MFC connections that have been successfully used for decades to interconnect remote centres are now to be upgraded to standard VoIP links using the renowned ED137 standard developed by EUROCAE. This standard is being deployed all over the globe, wherever standard ATM/ATC voice communication is concerned, although its importance is extending to other application fields as well, for safe, secure, standard, reliable voice communications.

The VCS (Voice Communication System) by SITTI installed at Padua ACC has therefore been upgraded by removing the old fashioned MFC analogue interface boards with new standard-compliant VoIP boards ensuring technologically advanced connections to Vienna (AustroControl) in redundant configuration.

The new standard VoIP connection between Padua and Vienna has been thoroughly tested according to the provisions of the ED137 standard. All tests passed positively, thus proving the conformance of ENAV systems to the top-edge achievements in the ATM/ATC field, confirming ENAV as one of the most technologically advanced ANSPs in the world.