The presence of SITTI in Morocco is expanding, following the positive experience of the systems provided in the past years. In fact, ONDA, the Moroccan ANSP, ordered SITTI the provision of 5 new Voice Communication Systems (VCS) and Voice Recording Systems (VRS). With the help of TELEPAC, the local representative partner company, SITTI successfully passed Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) with the participation of an evaluation commission by ONDA.

Following the positive conclusion of FAT, the ordered material will be delivered to Morocco to be deployed all around the country at the following airports:

  • Nador-El Aroui
  • Dakhla
  • Rabat-Salé
  • Marrakech-Ménara
  • Ouarzazate

The Voice Communication Systems include Radio, Telephone and Intercom facilities with their Technical and Monitoring Control Systems, plus some Control Working Positions (CWPs) that will allow ONDA ATCOs to seamlessly access all communication links to provide their service for a safe and timely management of the vast airspace which ONDA is responsible for.


The cooperation between civil and military air traffic controllers is of fundamental importance for ensuring safe and coordinated management of flights. The Italian ACCs (Area Control Centres) therefore also include controller positions that are run by military staff, thus having the strictly interact with operators dealing with civil aircraft.

ENAV, the Italian civil ANSP, have planned to move the management of airspace sectors from Brindisi to Rome-Ciampino as part of their industrial investment plan. This implies the need to also move the control of military sectors accordingly and to guarantee, without interruption and without jeopardizing the current capacity in terms of movements per hour, the provision of Air Traffic Control services.

SITTI has been therefore asked to develop a transition plan that will allow the mentioned move of the responsibility of airspace sector BRN (North Brindisi Area) from Brindisi to Ciampino, without compromising the current SCC/AM (Servizi Coordinamento e Controllo / Aeronautica Militare) capacity of both sites.

The plan envisages the extension of the voice handling facilities of the MULTIFONO® M800IP® VCS (SITTI Voice Communication System) in Ciampino to cope with the radio and telephone connections originally attested in Brindisi. New Controller Working Positions are also added to the Ciampino site for the proper management of the sectors over Southern Italy.

The transition of the remaining sector BRS (South Brindisi Area) is planned for the beginning of 2026.

Once these have been activated, both sites will be capable of controlling the airspace in parallel for a limited period of time, until the Brindisi facility will be shut down.


We are glad to announce that the FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) of the equipment destined to be installed at the international airport of Mosul (Iraq) was crowned with success. This encompassed

  • an innovative VCS (Voice Communication System)
  • a modern VRS (Voice Recording and Replay System)
  • radio equipment for controller-pilot communication

The mentioned equipment passed all tests aimed at verifying the compliance with the requirements set and technologically advanced standards like EUROCAE ED137 on VoIP (Voice over IP) for safe, efficient, effective, reliable air traffic control in the region.

Very important was the support by the Turkish company TAV – 77 Insaat JV (Main Contractor of the project) that is tasked of the rebuilding the airport facilities after the severe damages suffered during the recent local war. The installation will be carried out by the AFM Group, local partner to SITTI.


SITTI has successfully equipped the Fire Brigade with a cutting-edge communication system for their new operational centre in Naples, further demonstrating its versatility and dedication to excellence. This advanced system, part of SITTI’s comprehensive product portfolio, ensures dependable and efficient management of emergency situations, thereby strengthening the long-standing partnership between SITTI and the Fire Brigade, which has adopted SITTI solutions throughout the national territory over the years.

The new Operations Centre was inaugurated on November 28, 2024, in a ceremony attended by key stakeholders and authorities. This achievement underlines SITTI’s key role in providing high-performance communication systems for any strategic services requiring secure and solid controlled communication.

The system provided by SITTI is the state-of-the-art M800IP® Voice Communication System (VCS), which includes a redundant COTS server solution and complementary devices, such as the GPS master clock, webcams, video call facilities, and other auxiliary services.

The operational room for the Fire Brigade’s general direction in Naples represents a significant advancement in the modernization of the service and sets the stage for future installations aimed at enhancing support for citizens in emergency situations.


SITTI ha fornito con successo ai Vigili del Fuoco un avanzato sistema di comunicazione per il loro nuovo centro operativo a Napoli, ancora una volta dimostrando la versatilità dei propri prodotti. Questo sistema tecnologicamente all’avanguadia è parte dell’ampio portafoglio prodotti SITTI e garantisce una gestione affidabile ed efficiente delle situazioni di emergenza, rafforzando così la partnership di lunga data tra SITTI e i Vigili del Fuoco, che negli anni hanno adottato soluzioni SITTI su tutto il territorio nazionale.

Il nuovo Centro Operativo è stato inaugurato il 28 novembre 2024, con una cerimonia alla quale hanno partecipato anche molte autorità. Questo risultato sottolinea il ruolo chiave di SITTI nel fornire sistemi di comunicazione ad alte prestazioni per tutti i servizi strategici che richiedono comunicazioni sicure, affidabili e controllate.

Il sistema fornito da SITTI è il sistema di comunicazione vocale (VCS) M800IP® basato su una soluzione server COTS ridondante e dotato di apparati supplementari, come un orologio connesso al sistema satellitare GPS, webcam, servizi di videochiamata, eccetera.

La sala operativa della Direzione Generale dei Vigili del Fuoco di Napoli rappresenta un significativo avanzamento nel percorso di ammodernamento del servizio e pone le basi per futuri allestimenti volti a potenziare il supporto ai cittadini in situazioni di emergenza.